Monday, May 8, 2017

Shankar Mahadevan's Concert for a Cause

In my last blog, I talked about my involvement with Aim for Seva -- an NGO that is helping transform rural education in India. Every year, we have been organizing fundraising concerts where we feature amazing cultural performances by famous artists from India.

This year, Aim for Seva is going big! We are very excited to bring famous Bollywood singer, Shankar Mahadevan, to Seattle plus 5 other US cities.

Shankar's show is called "Krishna Sabrang" and he will be singing songs in several Indian languages and several different styles ranging from Indian Classical to Rock Fusion.  He will be accompanied by his sons, Siddarth and Shivam.

The Seattle event will also include an awesome preshow featuring some local children and an a' capella team from University of Washington.

I am very excited about this show and we have a dedicated team of volunteers working hard to put together a fantastic event for the benefit of the kids in India.

Please come to the event and show your support for Aim for Seva to help change rural education in India. Tickets are selling fast, so buy yours now!

 Buy Your Tickets Now!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Aim for Seva - Solving Rural Education in India

I recently got involved in Aim for Seva -- an amazing non-profit organization dedicated to helping educate underprivileged rural children in India.

The problem of rural education is that schools are too far for many kids to get to and so they cannot get the education they deserve. Drop out rates are well over 50%.

The concept of Aim for Seva is very simple. We build free student homes or chatralayas near existing schools and recruit children to stay at there while pursuing their education. We pay for their tuition, boarding, and lodging. Drop out rates drop to under 10% and amazing opportunities open up for these children.

The concept works! It is scale-able and has been proven for almost 17 years now. There are almost 100 hostels all over India. For the geeks among us, here are some stats:

We raise money to build and run these chatralayas from donors like you and I all over the world and there is a team of dedicated volunteers and employees on the ground in India to run the operations.

Here is a picture of my recent site visit to one of these chatralayas near Hyderabad.

Learn more about Aim for Seva at
To donate or participate in our USA-based initiatives, please visit: